When you either step or fall into a juridical battle, your trust is harmed. In a moment like this it is very helpful when your attorney acts as a guide. Be as open and honest as you possibly can. Laura fights for you story with everything she has and can. Work with her, not against her! Communicate! Work on trust from both sides!
- Menno van der Linden –
The law is a very complex thing…
When you have to let others decide about your conflict, you might as well know how that works. You step into a world which is not yours. No matter what justice and honourable behaviour look like in your world, be prepared that this can be very different from what you will see both inside and outside of court.
Lawyers, attorneys and the opposite party all have interest which are not necessarily parallel to yours. They know their behaviours and they are not planning to give you any insights in these. They live their lives in their world of symbolism, rituals and justification.
But this is very clear: You are their subject and their direct object, in both a positive as negative way.
Your point of law and your life present themselves as a diner on their plates. You serve them your evidence and your stories and they just poke and taste with their own special taste. From their point of view they provide you with comments and judgements based on what they like and what they don’t and they will use their books as proof.
Your thoughts and feelings about this are not necessarily their reality. They can stay in a insensitive and incomprehensive state.
In this kind of world you need a guide. Someone who wants to know your story, who asks question and can also give some resistance. Someone who gives you the space and safety to show your emotions, but who can also get you out of an emotional state.
Someone who explains to you what is necessary to propose your story as good as possible or who helps you to get on a different track. Who tells you what to keep in mind, what to do, which matters or papers you have to collect and how to respond when things get hard.
A juridical trial is additional to all your other affairs and jobs. It is as if the tax authorities is paying a visit and starting to doubt everything you have ever done. Everything gets disrupted. Documents which you might not have seen in years, become relevant again.
You will have to show more of yourself than you thought you would every show to someone else. You might need to learn how to lose and in some cases you will learn that winning can also mean losing.
A juridical conflict usually takes longer and will be more expensive than you thought beforehand. Ask yourself the question what it is worth. If it is likely the process it going to cost you more than it will bring you when you win, maybe it is better to just accept your loss. But to realise this, you will have to experience it first ;-)…
Laura is this kind of guide. I know her as a mother, a wife, a human being and an attorney. Someone who listens and who you can talk to. She loves he job and will do everything in her power to be there for you. This way you will learn, whatever ending for your case you might prefer.
I highly recommend her to you, to stand by you in this difficult moment.